Colorado Gives Day!
We need your support more than ever before.
Please consider donating so we can continue to advocate for Colorado youth.
Donations are tax-deductible
$25: Ensures a young person has access to get to court, school, work, and important appointments with a gas card or monthly bus pass.
$50: Supports CJDC-hosted youth events and workshops by providing essential supplies and resources.
$100: supports a young person with paying necessary court fees, ensuring compliance with probation requirements and allowing them to stay in school.
$250: Provides one month’s groceries for a youth in need, allowing them to prioritize education.
$500: Funds one month of mental health services for a young person, giving them the chance to heal, grow, and move beyond the challenges they've faced.
$1,000: Provides the community space for CJDC's direct support and services to youth and their families for an entire month.
AmazonSmile Giving Campaign
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support CJDC every time you shop with no cost to you. To shop AmazonSmile, visit from the web browser on your computer or mobile device and select The Colorado Juvenile Defender Center. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make contributing to CJDC even easier.
Give a paycheck contribution through your workplace!
CJDC is proud to partner with Community Shares of Colorado in workplace giving campaigns. Making charitable donations via paycheck contributions is a convenient option that allows incremental gifts to add up over the course of a year.
A paycheck contribution of $1 a day – $5 each work week-adds up to a $260 annual donation! That would allow us to file 21 amicus briefs in support of youth appealing their cases, publish our resource center newsletter for three months, or hold a two-hour training for juvenile defense attorneys who represent Colorado youth in court.
Do you have an employee giving campaign at work? If yes, please choose CJDC as the recipient of your workplace giving pledge. If your company hosts workplace giving fairs and presentations, request CJDC be a featured nonprofit! If Community Shares is not included in your giving campaign, email to discuss adding more diversity and choice to your campaign.
If you don’t have an employee giving campaign, let your HR or Community Investment contact know you want to support CJDC through Community Shares. Contact Community Shares to help you start a campaign at or 303.861.7507.
Workplace giving is a great way to support CJDC! Our community shares number is 5214.
Thank you for your support!